Kevin Laws, Principal
Mr. Laws is a Principal at PVP with responsibility for sourcing and evaluating
potential software investments. Before joining PacRim Venture Partners,
Kevin was Vice President of Product Management at Epinions, Inc. Prior
to that, he worked as a consultant in the Communications, Media &
Technology Group at Booz, Allen & Hamilton. He worked on a number of
media pricing, strategy, and marketing engagements for media &
entertainment companies, specializing in music & video. Additionally, he
worked on market strategy for several large high tech companies in
Silicon Valley, including hardware and software firms. Previously,
Kevin was Software Development Manager for Computer Sciences
Corporation's offices in Heidelberg, Germany, where he oversaw
Development of several major projects, including one of the first
large-scale web-based Intranets in 1993.
Kevin holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Dickinson College, an MBA
from the MIT Sloan School of Management, and an M.A. in International
Relations from Boston University.
Contact Kevin Laws at