PacRim Venture Partners (PVP) is focused on early-stage companies with unique technology platforms and services that address needs of the rapidly expanding markets. PVP targets investing in early stage information technology companies. First and second stage companies are prioritized; however we will also invest selectively in seed and later stage companies. We always invest in portfolio companies via syndicates with other leading professional investors. Depending on who comprises the investor syndicate, we are willing to be active and lead investor or more passive within the investor syndicate.
We expect the deployment of information technology in tomorrow's economy to result in three broad categories of successful startups and look for companies in these categories:
- companies which provide key information technologies (communications, semiconductors and electronics, and computer software);
- companies which apply information technology to create entirely new industries (Internet and e-commerce); and
- companies which apply information technology to reshape traditional industries (convergence technologies such as e-medicine).
We believe that increased bandwidth and pervasive communications will be the enabling technologies for such key industries as the Internet, e-commerce, wireless data communications and new media.
In the same way, communications technology will enable advances in other industries. New generations of semiconductor and electronics technologies will in turn be the foundation for many advances in communications and other areas of information technology. As demand converges on the Internet and the underlying technologies, innovative software companies are spawning new applications and solutions.
Lastly, the adaptation of information technology has created opportunities for new solutions to improve or to transform traditional industries. We invest in companies that facilitate this transformation by providing cross-over solutions in healthcare such as information systems and Internet-based e-medicine.